Posts Tagged ‘dance’

Again & Again

February 1, 2010

Hello world!

I am happy to say that today has already proven to be better than yesterday. and the day before. I mean, sure, I’m stressed and tired and even more stressed, but I’m happy.

So, I’m trying to figure out why…

– I changed my ringtone to The Bird And The Bee’s “Again & Again”. Just makes me smile

I know he's nerdy, but Jesse Eiseberg... there's something about him...

– I found a strange new love for the actor Jesse Eisenberg. I’m writing a really sweet little story right now that I think he’d be perfect for.

– Astronomy curve has given me a very real A+ on the midterm (forever yes)

– the 5 minute dance party in the lounge at 1:00am last night helped me not fall asleep… but it was still awesome.

– I’m coming back home this weekend. Oh my lurvely Seattle.

– mmmm. coffee…

– sleeping in always makes me feel good in the morning



– FLOYD. ❤

Well, I guess my life is just going with the curve today. Although I wish I could just fall right back asleep… too much tired.

But anyways, life is good. I’m excited to get my tests and essays done, but once they are… getting on a bus and taking a train back home.

I need this. thank goodness for fast travel!

mmm. Coffee. Floyd. Sleep. And finishing essays. tonight’s gonna be good.