Posts Tagged ‘sad’

Don’t Panic, It’s Organic

February 28, 2010

Hello World.

Sorry for not updating… these past couple of weeks have been a blur of mixed emotions.

But today, I need some reassurance. I keep thinking about Eugene vs. Seattle. Eugene vs. Seattle. Seattle vs. Eugene.

I’ve been here at the University of Oregon for two terms now… and I just found out that a friend of mine is thinking about transferring to one of the two Washington schools.

Am I happy here? I mean, I love my friends. I love my dorms. But, when it comes to living here, I feel like I can’t expand. I miss my mom. I miss my town. I miss the University District. I miss the Seattle Weekly and the Stranger. I miss my life before college (not the high school part but the seattle/family/friends part).

I’m not sure whether I’m trying to live in the past, or if I’m trying to get everyone together again or if I’m really unhappy right now but not later. I dunno.

Someone reassure me. Please.

Swedish 70s Ski Lodge

February 1, 2010

Hello again world.

Sorry for the frequent posts these past couple of days, but writing this blog has been a very good outlet for my emotions.

Anyways, as of right now, I’m feeling very discouraged about my work. The events that unfolded this weekend really threw me out of the loop… and ever since then, I’ve been distracted, weak, sad, and extremely stressed.

I feel bad moping around throughout the night, but I can’t help but feel these feelings. The problem with this whole situation is of course the news breaks right before midterm week. So, in addition to studying for two midterms, writing a paper on Chinese Pop Culture, and in the middle writing articles and such I have to worry about family problems.

Needless to say, I am a wreck. Well, more like a trainwreck.

As I sit here, listening to things like “Open Sea Theme” (which sounds like I’m hanging out with a bearded man in a Swedish 70s Ski Lodge), trying not to think about things, I feel like a failure. My homework persists to either be low quality or just sitting on the shelf, awaiting its turn.

I’m overwhelmed. When will this week be over? Ready go.

City Lights

January 31, 2010

Hello World!

Goodness Gracious, has this weekend been messy! I’m fairly certain this is one of those days where I can actually admit that I’m excited that the weekend is almost over.

One good note:

Cage the Elephant’s CD is really good. Like really, really good. AND, this is my favorite part, I have discovered a part of me that is totally into Tom Waits. Forever Yes.

But anyways. Yeah, this weekend has quickly plummeted with only a few words.

I guess the best way to put this is that my family is beginning to sort of fall apart. Hanging out with my dad proved to be a little more difficult this weekend then it normally should be. I mean, of course there were good parts, but the major bad part really ruined me this weekend.

After many tears, I am safe to say that I will spend next week back in the greater Seattle area with my mom, who is going through a lot the past couple of days.

But this blog post is dedicated to my wonderful friends who listened to me while I hysterically recounted what happened that day. Without them, I would not be okay… But thankfully, they were there for me. Never enough thanks for you guys ❤

anyways. That’s over now. I’m supposed to be studying, but I am very distracted with typing this. Oh well.

After the craziness called love… well, more like crying and putting up a fuss, I proceeded to do the majority of a puzzle called “City Lights,” which is a bunch of penguins in a weird alternate reality Hollywood. Scary. But not really. Sadly, I had to destroy it today to allow more table room for others.

anyways. I leave you with some white stripes. I mean, what’s better than the White Stripes?